
Words That Should Exist In English 4

I love being concise (although you probably wouldn't know it from speaking with me!), so welcome to my 4th entry with short words in other languages that have amazingly specific meanings!

Reader's Digest thankfully found these for me in the book The Meaning of Tingo by Adam Jacot de Boinod.

Zhaghzhagh (Persian): The chattering of teeth from cold or from rage.

Yuputka (Ulwa): The phantom sensation of something crawling under your skin.

Cotisuelto (Caribbean Spanish): One who wears how shirttail outside of his trousers.

Pana Po'o (Hawaiian): To scratch your head in order to help you remember something.

Here's an example short sentence to help you all incorporate these into your daily speech:

"When the cotisuelto felt a yuputka, he pana po'oed to figure out why, but noticing he had zhaghzhagh, too, he figured he was just cold."


If you liked those - you should pick up the book. It's apparently jam-packed with character-saving words like these.

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